The relay for life project was really such an eye opener for me in regards to advertising. It gave the class a really good idea and look into what it is like in a real ad agency. It was a real life experience of the process. Just as in Public Service Advertising encouraging people to join forces for the war, our job was to mobilize people to help the fight against cancer. Just as the war posters during World War II were used to educate the public on the role that they play in the effort, our print media is used as a way to show the public that they can help fight cancer. The article mentions how work for Public service advertising is on a volunteer basis with the understanding that both the public and the volunteers gain something from it. I really feel that I gained a great deal of experience on how advertising works, thus I gained something from making my posters and in making the poster, the public gained a good and service. My final project turned out as this:
I think that while my poster was decent, I think that it could have turned out a lot better. The biggest obstacle I came across was that my partner and I thought we were waiting on a logo because we couldn't find it posted anywhere. But as it turned out, it was another layer behind a separate logo. So, I didn't see the logo until the final day of the project and had to try to incorporate it into the style of the poster which I had already created. I don't feel that my poster has many strong points apart from how well it correlates with the pirate theme. On that same note, though, the pirate theme detracts from the relay for life theme which is important.
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