Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Upon receiving the assignment to make a cell-phone ad for tweens, I thought: "Should be simple enough!" But as it turns out, it isn't quite so simple. My initial thought which I tried to stick behind for the whole campaign was individuality. To me, it's important to emphasize individuality among young, impressionable tweens. So, I knew I wanted the ads to be loud and speak out. I also wanted to ensure that the typeface was one which would catch the attention of someone 9-13 years old. I think that's essential. So here was the result and my criticisms:

Boy Phone:
While I liked how this turned out, I feel like the color type of the logo contrasts too much with the color of the background. I feel like it looks very crowded so in the future i would probably lower the logo a bit to space the layout better. Also, when looking back, the images aren't the greatest match for a Gamer magazine. So next time, I would choose my images more wisely and not necessarily focus on the target audience quite SO much.

Girl Phone:
Of the campaign, this ad was my favorite. In wanting to capture the essence of individuality, i feel like the vibrance of the color in contrast to the scale of the girls does a good job of expressing individuality. i also really liked fading the color of the jacket to the image of the colors. There are a few things I would change about the add though. The contrast of the phone colors to the rainbow image is very distracting. Also, in each ad, i applied different colors to the logo which i would change next time. Next time I would have all the logos on the same color scheme. I also feel like I should have incorporated the phone more into the ad instead of just placing it there.

Phone for Both:
If I were to redo this ad, the one major change i would make would be to stick with the original feathers for the peacock. What I did here was crop out the original feathers while retaining the circular part and replaced them with images of smaller feathers and changed the color scale. Upon realization, though, i see that the original feathers not only took away from the "individuality" aspect i wanted of the whole campaign but also downplayed the natural colors of the peacock which would have added to the advertisment.

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