Sunday, March 27, 2011

Signifier & Signified.

Signifier: Red Cross symbol.
Signified: Relief aid to those in need.

Signifier: Japanese flag.
Signified: The country of Japan needed aid in their time of trauma.

Signifier: The color white.
Signified: In asian cultures, the color white represents death so the color in this case could signify the deaths caused by the traumatic events taking place there now.

Signifier: The color red.
Signified: The color red is the color of blood which is associated with energy and courage. So the color in this case signifies the courage of those in Japan going through such a hard time. It also signifies the dangers which are associated with the events in Japan.

Signifier: The hands holding the sign.
Signified: The hands holding the sign in this poster signifies the efforts of so many people to help Japan currently. If people put forth the work of their hands, a lot of help can be given.

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